
The Centre hosts weekly seminars with leading scientists and guest lecturers from all over the world. Below is a list of past seminars.
21/3/19 13:00 Lecture series

Motor context tunes active visual control of locomotion in Drosophila

Speaker: Eugenia Chiappe, Champalimaud Foundation
14/3/19 13:00 Lecture series

Time to get up: awakening stem cells in the brain

Speaker: Andrea Brand, The Gurdon Institute, University of Cambridge
7/3/19 12:00 NEUReka! seminar

Sensitive periods of brain development during adolescence

Speaker: Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, UCL
6/3/19 11:00 Lecture series

Mechanisms of development and evolution of the human cerebral cortex

Speaker: Chris Walsh, Boston Children's Hospital
14/2/19 13:00 Lecture series

Novel mechanisms of neurogenesis and neural repair

Speaker: Magdalena Götz, Helmholz Center Munich & Institute Stem Cell Research
7/2/19 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

A Gut Feeling about the Brain: Microbiome as a key regulator of Neurodevelopment and Ageing

Speaker: John Cryan, University College Cork (UCC), Ireland
31/1/19 13:00 Lecture series

From flexible self-assembly to robust brain wiring on the fly

Speaker: Peter Robin Hiesinger, Institute of Biology, Freie Universität Berlin
24/1/19 13:00 Lecture series

Processing aversion by habenular circuits

Speaker: Manuel Mameli, DNF, University of Lausanne
17/1/19 13:00 Lecture series

Thalamocortical interactions during visual processing

Speaker: Sonja Hofer, UCL
10/1/19 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

"Tasting from within, a new interoceptive sensory pathway linking cerebrospinal fluid to motor circuits"

Speaker: Claire Wyart, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle, Paris
13/12/18 13:00 Lecture series

Cell type-specific translation profiling in neurodevelopmental disorders

Speaker: Emily Osterweil, CENTRE FOR DISCOVERY BRAIN SCIENCES, University of Edinburgh
6/12/18 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

"Genetic therapies in neurodevelopmental disorders"

Speaker: Stuart Cobb, The University of Edinburgh
22/11/18 13:00 Lecture series

Cell migration promotes dynamic cellular interactions to control cerebral cortex morphogenesis

Speaker: Laurent Nguyen, GIGA Institute, Liege University
15/11/18 13:00 Lecture series

Evolution of olfaction

Speaker: Richard Benton, Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne
8/11/18 13:00 Lecture series

Synaptic plasticity as probabilistic inference

Speaker: Peter Latham, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, UCL
25/10/18 13:00 Lecture series

The evolution of function in the nervous system: What can we learn from the vertebrate retina?

Speaker: Thomas Baden, University of Sussex
18/10/18 13:00 Lecture series

Quantitative and dynamic analysis of neurogenesis with single cell resolution at the tissue level

Speaker: Nancy Papalopulu, The University of Manchester
11/10/18 13:00 Lecture series

Development and function of Drosophila locomotor circuits

Speaker: Chris Doe, Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon
4/10/18 13:00 Lecture series

Enriching adult neurogenesis: how experience
and activity shape the brain

Speaker: Gerd Kempermann, CRTD, Technische Universitaet Dresden
24/9/18 10:30 NEUReka! seminar

What good are more neurons in the cerebral cortex? Live longer and do more!

Speaker: Suzana Herculano-Houzel, Vanderbilt University
13/9/18 13:00 Lecture series

mRNA transport to synapses and how this might impact memory, epliepsy and autism

Speaker: Michael Kiebler, Biological Center Munich Cell Biology, LMU
6/9/18 16:00 NEUReka! seminar


Speaker: tbc
28/6/18 13:00 Lecture series

Transient moving organizers: life and death in cortical development and evolution

Speaker: Alessandra Pierani, Institut Jacques Monod
21/6/18 13:00 Lecture series

Stress and the developmental origins of longevity

Speaker: Alex Gould, Francis Crick Institute
14/6/18 16:00 NEUReka! seminar Internal only

Patterning the synaptic network

Speaker: Joris de Wit, VIB Center for Brain & Disease Research, KU Leuven
7/6/18 13:00 Lecture series


Speaker: Marta Zlatic, University of Cambridge
24/5/18 13:00 Lecture series

Differential resilience of normal brains to perturbation

Speaker: Eve Marder, Brandeis University
10/5/18 13:00 Lecture series

Nested neuronal oscillators organize behavior across time-scales in C. elegans

Speaker: Manuel Zimmer, IMP - Research Institute of Molecular Pathology
3/5/18 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

A tale of sleepless flies and ninna nanna. How Drosophila changes what we know about sleep

Speaker: Giorgio Gilestro, Imperial College
26/4/18 13:00 Lecture series

Neural circuitry of a polycystin-mediated hydrodynamic startle response in Platynereis: from genes to ecology

Speaker: Gáspár Jékely, University of Exeter
19/4/18 13:00 Lecture series

Hungry Brains and Clever Guts

Speaker: Irene Miguel-Aliaga, Imperial College London
5/4/18 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

Neuronal circuits of the prefrontal cortex for decision making

Speaker: Thomas Klausberger, Medical University of Vienna
29/3/18 13:00 Lecture series

Neuronal substrates of a division of labor in the external globus pallidus

Speaker: Peter Magill, University of Oxford
22/3/18 13:00 Lecture series

Deficits in axonal transport in ALS and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease models

Speaker: Giampietro Schiavo, University College London
15/3/18 13:00 Lecture series

Temporal control of neurogenesis

Speaker: Bassem Hassan, ICM (Brain & Spine Institute) Paris, France.
8/3/18 13:00 Lecture series

Time units for learning and their implementation in the hippocampus

Speaker: Pico Caroni, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research
1/3/18 15:30 NEUReka! seminar

Mammalian olfaction is a high bandwidth sense

Speaker: Andreas Schaefer, The Francis Crick Institute
22/2/18 13:00 Lecture series

Mechanisms regulating neural differentiation

Speaker: Kate Storey, University of Dundee
8/2/18 13:00 Lecture series

Resolving Conflicts: The Genetic Control of Morphogenesis

Speaker: Enrico Coen, John Innes Centre
2/2/18 13:00 Lecture series

Accelerating the maturation of human stem cell derived neurons by transient activation of mTOR signaling

Speaker: Stewart Anderson, University of Pennsylvania
25/1/18 13:00 Lecture series

Neurobiology of Social Behavior Circuits

Speaker: Catherine Dulac, Harvard University
18/1/18 13:00 Lecture series

New cells in old brains

Speaker: Jonas Frisen, Karolinska Instituet
11/1/18 13:00 Lecture series

Three-dimensional representation of the motor space in the mouse superior colliculus

Speaker: Marco Tripodi, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
10/1/18 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

From vision to navigation: a journey across mouse cortex

Speaker: Matteo Carandini, UCL
14/12/17 13:00 Lecture series

Generating layer-specific motion-direction sensitive neurons in Drosophila

Speaker: Iris Salecker, The Francis Crick Institute
7/12/17 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

Light on an ancestral sensory interface linking cerebrospinal fluid to motor circuits in vertebrates

Speaker: Claire Wyart, The Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière
6/12/17 13:00 Lecture series

Parvalbumin-positive interneurons: computations and roles in neuropsychiatric disease

Speaker: Dimitri Kullmann, UCL Institute of Neurology
30/11/17 13:00 Lecture series

The cellular basis of axial elongation in vertebrate

Speaker: Alfonso Martinez Arias, University of Cambridge
23/11/17 13:00 Lecture series

Neural dynamics of the hippocampal memory trace

Speaker: David Dupret, University of Oxford
16/11/17 13:00 Lecture series

Dynamics and signaling mechanisms associated with synaptic adhesion proteins, neurexins and neuroligins

Speaker: Olivier Thoumine, Université Bordeaux
9/11/17 13:00 Lecture series

Networks of Alternative Splicing Regulation in Cancer

Speaker: Juan Valcárcel, Centre for Genomic Regulation
2/11/17 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

Dendritic excitation-inhibition balance shapes cerebellar output and motor behaviour

Speaker: Ian Duguid, University of Edinburgh
26/10/17 13:00 Lecture series

Molecular Mechanisms of Neural Stem Cell Lineage Progression

Speaker: Simon Hippenmeyer, The Institute of Science and Technology Austria
12/10/17 13:00 Lecture series

Neurodevelopmental disorders: from molecular mechanism to novel treatments

Speaker: Gaia Novarino, The Institute of Science and Technology Austria
5/10/17 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

Like SNPs in the night: psychiatric risk genes and coordinated limbic-cortical activity during wake and sleep

Speaker: Matt Jones, School of Physiology, Pharmacology & Neuroscience, University of Bristol
28/9/17 13:00 Lecture series

Asymmetric cell division, Notch signaling and neurogenesis in the embryonic spinal cord

Speaker: Xavier Morin, École Normale Supérieure
21/9/17 13:00 Lecture series

The first steps of vision: cell types, circuits and repair

Speaker: Botond Roska, Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research
15/9/17 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

Exogeneous attentional guidance from primates to fish

Speaker: Zhaoping Li, University College London
8/6/17 13:00 Lecture series

How spontaneous activity wires the developing brain prior to experience

Speaker: Christian Lohmann, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience
1/6/17 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

Targeting the extracellular matrix to restore movement and memory to the damaged and aged CNS

Speaker: James Fawcett, University of Cambridge
25/5/17 13:00 Lecture series

Genetic dissection of cortical circuits: chandeliers light up pyramids

Speaker: Josh Huang, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
11/5/17 13:00 Lecture series

Molecular mechanisms underlying area-specific neuronal subtype and circuit formation in the mouse neocortex

Speaker: Michele Studer, iBV - Institut de Biologie Valrose
4/5/17 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

Modelling synaptic plasticity in neural circuits

Speaker: Claudia Clopath, Imperial College London
6/4/17 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

Vision to Navigation: Information processing between the Visual Cortex and Hippocampus

Speaker: Aman Saleem, University College London
30/3/17 16:00 Lecture series

Potency, architecture and tissue partnerships in early mammalian development

Speaker: Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz, University of Cambridge
21/3/17 14:00 NEUReka! seminar

Neuronal Diversity: Why do we have it? What can it do?

Speaker: Inaugural annual meeting co-organised by NEUReka! (CDN) and SystSems (SWC and Gatsby)
16/3/17 12:30 Lecture series

Do the right thing: mechanisms of behavioural control

Speaker: Scott Waddell, University of Oxford
9/3/17 13:00 Lecture series

Design principles of pluripotency

Speaker: Austin Smith, Wellcome Trust - Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute
2/3/17 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

Relating progenitors to fine scale excitatory synaptic connectivity

Speaker: Colin Akerman, University of Oxford
23/2/17 13:00 Lecture series

Non-coding RNAs in neural circuit development and epilepsy

Speaker: Jeroen Pasterkamp, University Medical Center Utrecht
16/2/17 13:00 Lecture series

Biogenesis and turnover of small RNAs in health and disease

Speaker: Javier Caceres, University of Edinburgh
9/2/17 13:00 Lecture series

Modulation of circuit organization in the adult fly brain

Speaker: Gaia Tavosanis, Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)
2/2/17 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

Vision to Action: Perception of ethologically relevant visual stimuli and control of behavioural responses

Speaker: Isaac Bianco, University College London
26/1/17 12:00 Lecture series

Barcoding the brain for high-throughput connectomics

Speaker: Anthony Zador, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
19/1/17 16:00 NEUReka! seminar

Sensory inputs control cell type-specific dynamics in developing cortical networks

Speaker: Natalia de Marco Garcia, Weill Cornell Medical College
12/1/17 13:00 Lecture series

Time to decide

Speaker: Gero Misenbock, University of Oxford
15/12/16 12:30 Lecture series

Epigenetic states of oligodendrocyte lineage cells during development and disease: insights from single-cell RNA sequencing

Speaker: Gonçalo Castelo-Branco, Karolinska Institutet
8/12/16 12:30 Lecture series

Biomechanical control of cell and tissue morphogenesis

Speaker: Thomas Lecuit, Aix Marseille Université, CNRS
1/12/16 16:00 Lecture series

Neural Stem and Progenitor Cells and Neocortex Expansion in Development and Evolution

Speaker: Wieland Huttner, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
24/11/16 12:30 Lecture series

Spatial specificity of neurite growth, branching and synapse formation: Novel mechanisms in flies, frogs, and mice

Speaker: Dietmar Schmucker, Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie
17/11/16 12:30 Lecture series

Niche regulation of stem cell dynamics in the adult brain

Speaker: Fiona Doetsch, University of Basel
10/11/16 12:30 Lecture series

Behavioral state modulation of inhibition in mouse visual cortex

Speaker: Nathalie Rochefort, University of Edinburgh
3/11/16 12:30 Lecture series

Lineage-dependent assembly of the functional neocortex

Speaker: Songhai Shi, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
27/10/16 12:30 Lecture series

Formation, maintenance and recruitment of adult neural stem cell pools in the zebrafish brain

Speaker: Laure Bally-Cuif, Institute of Neurobiology A. Fessard. CNRS