

Roth JF, Braunschweig U, Wu M, Li JD, Lin ZY, Larsen B, Weatheritt RJ, Gingras AC, Blencowe BJ (2023) Systematic analysis of alternative exon-dependent interactome remodeling reveals multitasking functions of gene regulatory factors. Mol Cell

Alternative splicing significantly expands biological complexity, particularly in the vertebrate nervous system. Increasing evidence indicates that developmental and tissue-dependent alternative exons often control protein-protein interactions; yet, only a minor fraction of these events have been characterized. Using affinity purification-mass spectrometry (AP-MS), we show that approximately 60% of analyzed neural-differential exons in proteins previously implicated in transcriptional regulation result in the gain or loss of interaction partners, which in some cases form unexpected links with coupled processes. Notably, a neural exon in Chtop regulates its interaction with the Prmt1 methyltransferase and DExD-Box helicases Ddx39b/a, affecting its methylation and activity in promoting RNA export. Additionally, a neural exon in Sap30bp affects interactions with RNA processing factors, modulating a critical function of Sap30bp in promoting the splicing of <100 nt "mini-introns" that control nuclear RNA levels. AP-MS is thus a powerful approach for elucidating the multifaceted functions of proteins imparted by context-dependent alternative exons.

Pubmed: 38065061