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Brosig A, Fuchs J, Ipek F, Kroon C, Schrötter S, Vadhvani M, Polyzou A, Ledderose J, van Diepen M, Holzhütter HG, Trimbuch T, Gimber N, Schmoranzer J, Lieberam I, Rosenmund C, Spahn C, Scheerer P, Szczepek M, Leondaritis G, Eickholt BJ (2019)
The Axonal Membrane Protein PRG2 Inhibits PTEN and Directs Growth to Branches.
Cell Rep
In developing neurons, phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) control axon growth and branching by positively regulating PI3K/PI(3,4,5)P