

Denaxa M, Neves G, Burrone J, Pachnis V (2018) Homeostatic Regulation of Interneuron Apoptosis During Cortical Development. J Exp Neurosci

The mammalian cortex consists of two main neuronal types: the principal excitatory pyramidal neurons (PNs) and the inhibitory interneurons (INs). The interplay between these two neuronal populations - which drive excitation and inhibition (E/I balance), respectively - is crucial for controlling the overall activity in the brain. A number of neurological and psychiatric disorders have been associated with changes in E/I balance. It is not surprising, therefore, that neural networks employ several different mechanisms to maintain their firing rates at a stable level, collectively referred as homeostatic forms of plasticity. Here, we share our views on how the size of IN populations may provide an early homeostatic checkpoint for controlling brain activity. In a recent paper published in

Pubmed: 30013387