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Best AJ, Braunschweig U, Wu M, Farhangmehr S, Pasculescu A, Lim JJ, Comsa LC, Jen M, Wang J, Datti A, Wrana JL, Cordes SP, Al-Awar R, Han H, Blencowe BJ (2024)
High-throughput sensitive screening of small molecule modulators of microexon alternative splicing using dual Nano and Firefly luciferase reporters.
Nat Commun
Ni Z, Ahmed N, Nabeel-Shah S, Guo X, Pu S, Song J, Marcon E, Burke GL, Tong AHY, Chan K, Ha KCH, Blencowe BJ, Moffat J, Greenblatt JF (2024)
Identifying human pre-mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation factors by genome-wide CRISPR screens using a dual fluorescence readthrough reporter.
Nucleic Acids Res
Horton S, Mastrolia V, Jackson RE, Kemlo S, Pereira Machado PM, Carbajal MA, Hindges R, Fleck RA, Aguiar P, Neves G, Burrone J (2024)
Excitatory and inhibitory synapses show a tight subcellular correlation that weakens over development.
Cell Rep
Beau M, Herzfeld DJ, Naveros F, Hemelt ME, D'Agostino F, Oostland M, Sánchez-López A, Chung YY, Michael Maibach , Kyranakis S, Stabb HN, Martínez Lopera MG, Lajko A, Zedler M, Ohmae S, Hall NJ, Clark BA, Cohen D, Lisberger SG, Kostadinov D, Hull C, Häusser M, Medina JF (2024)
A deep-learning strategy to identify cell types across species from high-density extracellular recordings.
Marín O (2024)
Parvalbumin interneuron deficits in schizophrenia.
Eur Neuropsychopharmacol
Li S, Shea QTK, Ling YT, Zheng YP (2024)
Investigation of 3D vessel reconstruction under Doppler imaging with phantoms: Towards reconstruction of the Circle of Willis.
Pérez-Sisqués L, Bhatt SU, Matuleviciute R, Gileadi TE, Kramar E, Graham A, Garcia FG, Keiser A, Matheos DP, Cain JA, Pittman AM, Andreae LC, Fernandes C, Wood MA, Giese KP, Basson MA (2024)
The Intellectual Disability Risk Gene Kdm5b Regulates Long-Term Memory Consolidation in the Hippocampus.
J Neurosci
Folgueira M, Clarke JDW (2024)
Telencephalic eversion in embryos and early larvae of four teleost species.
Evol Dev
Cubillos P, Ditzer N, Kolodziejczyk A, Schwenk G, Hoffmann J, Schütze TM, Derihaci RP, Birdir C, Köllner JE, Petzold A, Sarov M, Martin U, Long KR, Wimberger P, Albert M (2024)
The growth factor EPIREGULIN promotes basal progenitor cell proliferation in the developing neocortex.
Makeyev EV, Huang S (2024)
The perinucleolar compartment: structure, function, and utility in anti-cancer drug development.
Read E, Hindges R (2024)
A novel locomotion-based prepulse inhibition assay in zebrafish larvae.
MicroPubl Biol
Ganier C, Mazin P, Herrera-Oropeza G, Du-Harpur X, Blakeley M, Gabriel J, Predeus AV, Cakir B, Prete M, Harun N, Darrigrand JF, Haiser A, Wyles S, Shaw T, Teichmann SA, Haniffa M, Watt FM, Lynch MD (2024)
Multiscale spatial mapping of cell populations across anatomical sites in healthy human skin and basal cell carcinoma.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Chan K, Farias AG, Lee H, Guvenc F, Mero P, Brown KR, Ward H, Billmann M, Aulakh K, Astori A, Haider S, Marcon E, Braunschweig U, Pu S, Habsid A, Yan Tong AH, Christie-Holmes N, Budylowski P, Ghalami A, Mubareka S, Maguire F, Banerjee A, Mossman KL, Greenblatt J, Gray-Owen SD, Raught B, Blencowe BJ, Taipale M, Myers C, Moffat J (2023)
Survival-based CRISPR genetic screens across a panel of permissive cell lines identify common and cell-specific SARS-CoV-2 host factors.
Sinitcyn P, Richards AL, Weatheritt RJ, Brademan DR, Marx H, Shishkova E, Meyer JG, Hebert AS, Westphall MS, Blencowe BJ, Cox J, Coon JJ (2023)
Global detection of human variants and isoforms by deep proteome sequencing.
Nat Biotechnol
Ray D, Laverty KU, Jolma A, Nie K, Samson R, Pour SE, Tam CL, von Krosigk N, Nabeel-Shah S, Albu M, Zheng H, Perron G, Lee H, Najafabadi H, Blencowe B, Greenblatt J, Morris Q, Hughes TR (2023)
RNA-binding proteins that lack canonical RNA-binding domains are rarely sequence-specific.
Sci Rep
Mishra S, Dabaja M, Akhlaq A, Pereira B, Marbach K, Rovcanin M, Chandra R, Caballero A, Fernandes de Abreu D, Ch'ng Q, Alcedo J (2023)
Specific sensory neurons and insulin-like peptides modulate food type-dependent oogenesis and fertilization in Caenorhabditis elegans.
Zeng B, Liu Z, Lu Y, Zhong S, Qin S, Huang L, Zeng Y, Li Z, Dong H, Shi Y, Yang J, Dai Y, Ma Q, Sun L, Bian L, Han D, Chen Y, Qiu X, Wang W, Marín O, Wu Q, Wang Y, Wang X (2023)
The single-cell and spatial transcriptional landscape of human gastrulation and early brain development.
Cell Stem Cell
Sezener E, Grabska-Barwińska A, Kostadinov D, Beau M, Krishnagopal S, Budden D, Hutter D, Veness J, Botvinick M, Clopath C, Häusser M, Latham PE (2023)
A rapid and efficient learning rule for biological neural circuits.
Williams J, Hurling C, Munir S, Harley P, Machado CB, Cujba AM, Alvarez-Fallas M, Danovi D, Lieberam I, Sancho R, Beales P, Watt FM (2023)
Modelling renal defects in Bardet-Biedl syndrome patients using human iPS cells.
Front Cell Dev Biol
Rigby M, Grillo FW, Compans B, Neves G, Gallinaro J, Nashashibi S, Horton S, Pereira Machado PM, Carbajal MA, Vizcay-Barrena G, Levet F, Sibarita JB, Kirkland A, Fleck RA, Clopath C, Burrone J (2023)
Multi-synaptic boutons are a feature of CA1 hippocampal connections in the stratum oriens.
Cell Rep
Compans B, Burrone J (2023)
Chandelier cells shine a light on the formation of GABAergic synapses.
Curr Opin Neurobiol
Jetsonen E, Didio G, Winkel F, Llach Pou M, Boj C, Kuczynski-Noyau L, Võikar V, Guirado R, Taira T, Lauri SE, Castrén E, Umemori J (2023)
Activation of TrkB in Parvalbumin interneurons is required for the promotion of reversal learning in spatial and fear memory by antidepressants.
Massimo M, Barelli C, Moreno C, Collesi C, Holloway RK, Crespo B, Zentilin L, Williams A, Miron VE, Giacca M, Long KR (2023)
Haemorrhage of human foetal cortex associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Kebschull JM, Casoni F, Consalez GG, Goldowitz D, Hawkes R, Ruigrok TJH, Schilling K, Wingate R, Wu J, Yeung J, Uusisaari MY (2023)
Cerebellum Lecture: the Cerebellar Nuclei-Core of the Cerebellum.
Nabeel-Shah S, Lee H, Ahmed N, Burke GL, Farhangmehr S, Ashraf K, Pu S, Braunschweig U, Zhong G, Wei H, Tang H, Yang J, Marcon E, Blencowe BJ, Zhang Z, Greenblatt JF (2022)
SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein binds host mRNAs and attenuates stress granules to impair host stress response.
Barutcu AR, Wu M, Braunschweig U, Dyakov BJA, Luo Z, Turner KM, Durbic T, Lin ZY, Weatheritt RJ, Maass PG, Gingras AC, Blencowe BJ (2022)
Systematic mapping of nuclear domain-associated transcripts reveals speckles and lamina as hubs of functionally distinct retained introns.
Mol Cell
Fagg WS, Liu N, Braunschweig U, Pereira de Castro KL, Chen X, Ditmars FS, Widen SG, Donohue JP, Modis K, Russell WK, Fair JH, Weirauch MT, Blencowe BJ, Garcia-Blanco MA (2022)
Definition of germ layer cell lineage alternative splicing programs reveals a critical role for Quaking in specifying cardiac cell fate.
Nucleic Acids Res
Han H, Best AJ, Braunschweig U, Mikolajewicz N, Li JD, Roth J, Chowdhury F, Mantica F, Nabeel-Shah S, Parada G, Brown KR, O'Hanlon D, Wei J, Yao Y, Zid AA, Comsa LC, Jen M, Wang J, Datti A, Gonatopoulos-Pournatzis T, Weatheritt RJ, Greenblatt JF, Wrana JL, Irimia M, Gingras AC, Moffat J, Blencowe BJ (2022)
Systematic exploration of dynamic splicing networks reveals conserved multistage regulators of neurogenesis.
Mol Cell
Song J, Nabeel-Shah S, Pu S, Lee H, Braunschweig U, Ni Z, Ahmed N, Marcon E, Zhong G, Ray D, Ha KCH, Guo X, Zhang Z, Hughes TR, Blencowe BJ, Greenblatt JF (2022)
Regulation of alternative polyadenylation by the C2H2-zinc-finger protein Sp1.
Mol Cell
Kostadinov D, Häusser M (2022)
Reward signals in the cerebellum: Origins, targets, and functional implications.
Hindges R, Lele Z (2022)
Editorial: Cell adhesion molecules in neural development and disease.
Front Neurosci
Mossink B, van Rhijn JR, Wang S, Linda K, Vitale MR, Zöller JEM, van Hugte EJH, Bak J, Verboven AHA, Selten M, Negwer M, Latour BL, van der Werf I, Keller JM, Klein Gunnewiek TM, Schoenmaker C, Oudakker A, Anania A, Jansen S, Lesch KP, Frega M, van Bokhoven H, Schubert D, Nadif Kasri N (2022)
Cadherin-13 is a critical regulator of GABAergic modulation in human stem-cell-derived neuronal networks.
Mol Psychiatry
Marín O, Moreno N (2022)
Agustín González, an Inspirational Leader in Spanish Comparative Neuroanatomy.
Brain Behav Evol
Newland B, Long KR (2022)
Cryogel scaffolds: soft and easy to use tools for neural tissue culture.
Neural Regen Res
Jackson RE, Compans B, Burrone J (2022)
Correlative Live-Cell and Super-Resolution Imaging to Link Presynaptic Molecular Organisation With Function.
Front Synaptic Neurosci
Byrne DJ, Lipovsek M, Crespo A, Grubb MS (2022)
Brief sensory deprivation triggers plasticity of dopamine-synthesising enzyme expression in genetically labelled olfactory bulb dopaminergic neurons.
Eur J Neurosci
Jackson RE, Compans B, Burrone J (2022)
Corrigendum: Correlative Live-Cell and Super-Resolution Imaging to Link Presynaptic Molecular Organisation With Function.
Front Synaptic Neurosci
Leschik J, Gentile A, Cicek C, Péron S, Tevosian M, Beer A, Radyushkin K, Bludau A, Ebner K, Neumann I, Singewald N, Berninger B, Lessmann V, Lutz B (2022)
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in serotonergic neurons improves stress resilience and promotes adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
Prog Neurobiol
Messina A, Potrich D, Perrino M, Sheardown E, Miletto Petrazzini ME, Luu P, Nadtochiy A, Truong TV, Sovrano VA, Fraser SE, Brennan CH, Vallortigara G (2022)
Quantity as a Fish Views It: Behavior and Neurobiology.
Front Neuroanat
Ma S, Skarica M, Li Q, Xu C, Risgaard RD, Tebbenkamp ATN, Mato-Blanco X, Kovner R, Krsnik Ž, de Martin X, Luria V, Martí-Pérez X, Liang D, Karger A, Schmidt DK, Gomez-Sanchez Z, Qi C, Gobeske KT, Pochareddy S, Debnath A, Hottman CJ, Spurrier J, Teo L, Boghdadi AG, Homman-Ludiye J, Ely JJ, Daadi EW, Mi D, Daadi M, Marín O, Hof PR, Rasin MR, Bourne J, Sherwood CC, Santpere G, Girgenti MJ, Strittmatter SM, Sousa AMM, Sestan N (2022)
Molecular and cellular evolution of the primate dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.
Yap K, Chung TH, Makeyev EV (2022)
Analysis of RNA-containing compartments by hybridization and proximity labeling in cultured human cells.
STAR Protoc
Yap K, Chung TH, Makeyev EV (2022)
Hybridization-proximity labeling reveals spatially ordered interactions of nuclear RNA compartments.
Mol Cell