Public Engagement

Public engagement is an integral part of our activity. We run activities that aim to inspire, inform and educate the public. These include hosting visits from local schools, participating in festivals and events, delivering practical workshops at schools, and public talks, among others.

DevNeuro Academy

School students
The DevNeuro Academy Widening Participation project consists of a regular programme of activities designed to improve the progression and success of students currently under-represented at our university and other institutes of higher education. The project combines a series of four in-school interactive ‘Discovery workshops’ with a 2-week laboratory summer research work experience in our Department. More details

Glow in the Dark Science

This project introduces primary school children to science in a playful manner. Through a series of interactive activities around the use of fluorescence in modern biomedical sciences, the pupils can begin to develop their scientific knowledge. The project is based on activity stations where the pupils learn the basis of how fluorescence works and observe fluorescently labelled fish and fruit flies, among others. More details