PhD Programmes

Understanding how the brain is constructed is one of the great questions of science. The Centre for Developmental Neurobiology provides an excellent environment for research and training. It is one of the largest Centres in Europe for the study of brain development, and is at the technological forefront of contemporary research. Our Research Groups work across one or more of our broad research programme areas.

Doing a PhD at the Centre for Developmental Neurobiology is a unique opportunity for students for receive world-class graduate training. There are currently around 40 PhD students in the Centre, funded from a variety of sources. To carry out their research in the Centre, students have access to a range of studentships offered through several MRes/PhD programmes. Please follow links below to explore the different options. If you want to know more about postgraduate opportunities, contact Stefania Boscolo, our Postgraduate Administrator

MRC-ITND PhD fellowships

IT students

Funded by the Medical Research Council and the Institute for Translational Neurodevelopment, this 1+3 MRes/PhD programme in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, run by the MRC Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, equips a new generation of basic and clinical scientists with the skills to collaborate at the forefront of disease research.

Wellcome Trust PhD Programme in Advanced Therapies for Regenerative Medicine

Wellcome Trust PhD Programme

This 4-year PhD Programme is designed for students who wish to carry out lab-based fundamental research at the forefront of regenerative medicine and find solutions to challenging medical problems.

PhD supervisors have expertise in core areas of regenerative medicine, including cell transplantation, gene therapy, stem cell and developmental biology as well as disease modelling and drug screening.

Several labs in the Centre for Developmental Neurobiology take part in this Programme.

London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme (LIDo)

London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme

Research groups in the Centre participate in the LIDo Programme, involving a consortium of six leading research institutions in London. This provides a diverse range of interdisciplinary research projects, combining biosciences with advanced training in mathematics, computation and statistics.

MRC Doctoral Training Partnership in Biomedical Sciences

King’s Bioscience Institute (KBI) Programme in Biomedical and Translational Science

This programme is organised into four strategic themes: Molecules, Cells and the Basis for Disease; Neurosciences, Psychiatry and Mental Health; Physiological Medicine; and Biomedical Engineering and Imaging. The DTP offers an integrated and multi-disciplinary approach to medical research with a wealth of cutting-edge training opportunities in fundamental discovery science, translational research and experimental medicine. The Centre for Developmental Neurobiology offers projects to DTP students each year in several of our labs.