Katie Long

Katie Long

Senior Lecturer, Group Leader


Katie Long completed her undergraduate studies in Biomedical Science at Sheffield University before moving to The University of Edinburgh to undertake her PhD with Charles french-Constant at the MRC Center for Regenerative Medicine. During her PhD, she revealed the critical role of integrins in neural development using the chick as a model system. She subsequently expanded her work on extracellular matrix and neural development as a postdoc with Wieland Huttner at the MPI-CBG in Dresden, where she has developed a novel system to investigate and manipulate human neocortical development which has uncovered a novel role for the extracellular matrix in the folding of the human neocortex. She was awarded a King's Prize Fellowship and Professor Anthony Mellows Medal in 2018 and started as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Developmental Neurobiology and MRC Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders in 2019. She is currently an MRC Career Development Fellow.


ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0660-2486

Related News:

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Selected Publications:

Long KR, Huttner WB (2021) The Role of the Extracellular Matrix in Neural Progenitor Cell Proliferation and Cortical Folding During Human Neocortex Development. Front Cell Neurosci

Kostic M, Paridaen JTML, Long KR, Kalebic N, Langen B, Grübling N, Wimberger P, Kawasaki H, Namba T, Huttner WB (2019) YAP Activity Is Necessary and Sufficient for Basal Progenitor Abundance and Proliferation in the Developing Neocortex. Cell Rep

Long K, Moss L, Laursen L, Boulter L, Ffrench-Constant C (2016) Integrin signalling regulates the expansion of neuroepithelial progenitors and neurogenesis via Wnt7a and Decorin. Nat Commun