Fazal Oozeer

Fazal Oozeer

Research Support Technician

Related News:

Input-specific modulation of interneuron survival

Publication from the Marín lab in Cell Reports

Selected Publications:

Sreenivasan V, Serafeimidou-Pouliou E, Exposito-Alonso D, Bercsenyi K, Bernard C, Bae SE, Oozeer F, Hanusz-Godoy A, Edwards RH, Marín O (2022) Input-specific control of interneuron numbers in nascent striatal networks. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Wong FK, Selten M, Rosés-Novella C, Sreenivasan V, Pallas-Bazarra N, Serafeimidou-Pouliou E, Hanusz-Godoy A, Oozeer F, Edwards R, Marín O (2022) Serotonergic regulation of bipolar cell survival in the developing cerebral cortex. Cell Rep
Chai A, Mateus AM, Oozeer F, Sousa-Nunes R (2018) Spatiotemporally controlled genetic perturbation for efficient large-scale studies of cell non-autonomous effects. Elife