Fursham Hamid

Fursham Hamid

Lecturer in Bioinformatics, Group Leader

Related News:

PTBP1 links co-transcriptional splicing and epigenetic regulation in developing neurons

New publication from the Makeyev lab

Novel ALS hallmark may trigger motor degeneration

New publication from the Houart lab

Gene regulation mechanism impacting diverse neuropathologies uncovered

SFPQ plays key role in neuronal development

All Publications:


Zhuravskaya A, Yap K, Hamid F, Makeyev EV (2024) Alternative splicing coupled to nonsense-mediated decay coordinates downregulation of non-neuronal genes in developing mouse neurons. Genome Biol


Iannone C, Kainov Y, Zhuravskaya A, Hamid F, Nojima T, Makeyev EV (2023) PTBP1-activated co-transcriptional splicing controls epigenetic status of pluripotent stem cells. Mol Cell


Nikolaou N, Gordon PM, Hamid F, Taylor R, Lloyd-Jones J, Makeyev EV, Houart C (2022) Cytoplasmic pool of U1 spliceosome protein SNRNP70 shapes the axonal transcriptome and regulates motor connectivity. Curr Biol

Taylor R, Hamid F, Fielding T, Gordon PM, Maloney M, Makeyev EV, Houart C (2022) Prematurely terminated intron-retaining mRNAs invade axons in SFPQ null-driven neurodegeneration and are a hallmark of ALS. Nat Commun