Karen Yap

Karen Yap

Research Associate

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All publications:


Yap K, Xiao Y, Friedman BA, Je HS, Makeyev EV (2016) Polarizing the Neuron through Sustained Co-expression of Alternatively Spliced Isoforms. Cell Rep 15: 1316-28


Neo WH, Yap K, Lee SH, Looi LS, Khandelia P, Neo SX, Makeyev EV, Su IH (2014) MicroRNA miR-124 controls the choice between neuronal and astrocyte differentiation by fine-tuning Ezh2 expression. J Biol Chem 289: 20788-801


Yap K, Makeyev EV (2013) Regulation of gene expression in mammalian nervous system through alternative pre-mRNA splicing coupled with RNA quality control mechanisms. Mol Cell Neurosci 56: 420-8


Yap K, Lim ZQ, Khandelia P, Friedman B, Makeyev EV (2012) Coordinated regulation of neuronal mRNA steady-state levels through developmentally controlled intron retention. Genes Dev 26: 1209-23


Khandelia P, Yap K, Makeyev EV (2011) Streamlined platform for short hairpin RNA interference and transgenesis in cultured mammalian cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 108: 12799-804