Marcela Lipovsek

Marcela Lipovsek

Visiting Scientist

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All Publications:


Byrne DJ, Lipovsek M, Crespo A, Grubb MS (2022) Brief sensory deprivation triggers plasticity of dopamine-synthesising enzyme expression in genetically labelled olfactory bulb dopaminergic neurons. Eur J Neurosci


Lipovsek M, Bardy C, Cadwell CR, Hadley K, Kobak D, Tripathy SJ (2021) Patch-seq: Past, Present, and Future. J Neurosci
Moglie MJ, Marcovich I, Corradi J, Carpaneto Freixas AE, Gallino S, Plazas PV, Bouzat C, Lipovsek M, Elgoyhen AB (2021) Loss of Choline Agonism in the Inner Ear Hair Cell Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Linked to the α10 Subunit. Front Mol Neurosci


Lipovsek M, Browne L, Grubb MS (2020) Protocol for Patch-Seq of Small Interneurons. STAR Protoc