Fazal Oozeer

Fazal Oozeer

Research Support Technician

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Input-specific modulation of interneuron survival

Publication from the Marín lab in Cell Reports

All Publications:


Mòdol L, Moissidis M, Selten M, Oozeer F, Marín O (2024) Somatostatin interneurons control the timing of developmental desynchronization in cortical networks. Neuron


Poobalasingam T, Bianco F, Oozeer F, Gordon-Weeks PR (2022) The drebrin/EB3 pathway regulates cytoskeletal dynamics to drive neuritogenesis in embryonic cortical neurons. J Neurochem


Chai A, Mateus AM, Oozeer F, Sousa-Nunes R (2018) Spatiotemporally controlled genetic perturbation for efficient large-scale studies of cell non-autonomous effects. Elife


Oozeer F, Yates LL, Dean C, Formstone CJ (2017) A role for core planar polarity proteins in cell contact-mediated orientation of planar cell division across the mammalian embryonic skin. Sci Rep