Jon Clarke

Jon Clarke

Emeritus Professor, Group Leader

All Publications:


Kosodo Y, Toida K, Dubreuil V, Alexandre P, Schenk J, Kiyokage E, Attardo A, Mora-Bermúdez F, Arii T, Clarke JD, Huttner WB (2008) Cytokinesis of neuroepithelial cells can divide their basal process before anaphase. EMBO J
Clarke JD (2008) Using fluorescent dyes for fate mapping, lineage analysis, and axon tracing in the chick embryo. Methods Mol Biol


Clarke J (2007) Cell migration: catapulting neurons from the ventricular zone? Curr Biol
Tawk M, Araya C, Lyons DA, Reugels AM, Girdler GC, Bayley PR, Hyde DR, Tada M, Clarke JD (2007) A mirror-symmetric cell division that orchestrates neuroepithelial morphogenesis. Nature


Clarke J (2006) Cell migration: neurons go with the flow. Curr Biol
Mione M, Lele Z, Kwong CT, Concha ML, Clarke JD (2006) Expression of pcp4a in subpopulations of CNS neurons in zebrafish. J Comp Neurol


Take-uchi M, Clarke JD, Wilson SW (2003) Hedgehog signalling maintains the optic stalk-retinal interface through the regulation of Vax gene activity. Development
Zhang F, Ferretti P, Clarke JD (2003) Recruitment of postmitotic neurons into the regenerating spinal cord of urodeles. Dev Dyn
Lyons DA, Guy AT, Clarke JD (2003) Monitoring neural progenitor fate through multiple rounds of division in an intact vertebrate brain. Development


Zhang F, Clarke JD, Santos-Ruiz L, Ferretti P (2002) Differential regulation of fibroblast growth factor receptors in the regenerating amphibian spinal cord in vivo. Neuroscience


Echeverri K, Clarke JD, Tanaka EM (2001) In vivo imaging indicates muscle fiber dedifferentiation is a major contributor to the regenerating tail blastema. Dev Biol