Matthew Grubb

Matthew Grubb

Professor of Neuroscience, Group Leader, Education Leader
Chair of the CDN Doctoral Studies Sub-committee


Matt started the lab in 2010 with a 5-year Career Development Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust, and from June 2015 has been a Lecturer at King's. He is interested in all the things the lab is interested in activity-dependent neuronal maturation, with special emphasis on glomerular circuits in the olfactory bulb and the axon initial segment. Since 2014 Matt has been an inaugural Scholar of the FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence, a multidisciplinary group of young researchers looking to shape the future of neuroscience in Europe and beyond. Before leading the lab, Matt completed two periods of post-doctoral research: the first with Pierre-Marie Lledo at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, looking at synaptic maturation in the developing and adult olfactory bulb, and the second with Juan Burrone at the MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, playing with channelrhodopsin and investigating activity-dependent plasticity at the AIS. Back in 2003, Matt completed his DPhil with Ian Thompson at the University of Oxford, looking at structure, function and development of the mouse visual thalamus. His MSc in Neuroscience and his BA in Psychology and Physiology were from Oxford, too.


Thompson Reuters Researcher ID: B-4939-2008

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All Publications:


Browne LP, Crespo A, Grubb MS (2022) Rapid presynaptic maturation in naturally regenerating axons of the adult mouse olfactory nerve. Cell Rep
Tufo C, Poopalasundaram S, Dorrego-Rivas A, Ford MC, Graham A, Grubb MS (2022) Development of the mammalian main olfactory bulb. Development
Byrne DJ, Lipovsek M, Crespo A, Grubb MS (2022) Brief sensory deprivation triggers plasticity of dopamine-synthesising enzyme expression in genetically labelled olfactory bulb dopaminergic neurons. Eur J Neurosci
Dorrego-Rivas A, Grubb MS (2022) Developing and maintaining a nose-to-brain map of odorant identity. Open Biol


Galliano E, Hahn C, Browne LP, R Villamayor P, Tufo C, Crespo A, Grubb MS (2021) Brief Sensory Deprivation Triggers Cell Type-Specific Structural and Functional Plasticity in Olfactory Bulb Neurons. J Neurosci


Lipovsek M, Browne L, Grubb MS (2020) Protocol for Patch-Seq of Small Interneurons. STAR Protoc


Lipovsek M, Grubb MS (2019) Boosting adult neurogenesis to enhance sensory performance. EMBO J


Galliano E, Franzoni E, Breton M, Chand AN, Byrne DJ, Murthy VN, Grubb MS (2018) Embryonic and postnatal neurogenesis produce functionally distinct subclasses of dopaminergic neuron. Elife