Uwe Drescher
Professor of Molecular Neurobiology, Group Leader
All publications:
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Drescher U (2011)
Axon guidance: push and pull with ephrins and GDNF.
Curr Biol 21: R30-2
Drescher U (2011)
D-Eph-ective endocytosis disrupts topographic mapping.
EMBO J 30: 1422-4
Plachez C, Andrews W, Liapi A, Knoell B, Drescher U, Mankoo B, Zhe L, Mambetisaeva E, Annan A, Bannister L, Parnavelas JG, Richards LJ, Sundaresan V (2008)
Robos are required for the correct targeting of retinal ganglion cell axons in the visual pathway of the brain.
Mol Cell Neurosci 37: 719-30