Benedikt  Berninger

Benedikt Berninger

Professor of Developmental Neurobiology, Group Leader

All Publications:


Berninger B, Jessberger S (2016) Engineering of Adult Neurogenesis and Gliogenesis. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol
Thakurela S, Tiwari N, Schick S, Garding A, Ivanek R, Berninger B, Tiwari VK (2016) Mapping gene regulatory circuitry of Pax6 during neurogenesis. Cell Discov
McAvoy KM, Scobie KN, Berger S, Russo C, Guo N, Decharatanachart P, Vega-Ramirez H, Miake-Lye S, Whalen M, Nelson M, Bergami M, Bartsch D, Hen R, Berninger B, Sahay A (2016) Modulating Neuronal Competition Dynamics in the Dentate Gyrus to Rejuvenate Aging Memory Circuits. Neuron
Kleiderman S, Gutbier S, Ugur Tufekci K, Ortega F, Sá JV, Teixeira AP, Brito C, Glaab E, Berninger B, Alves PM, Leist M (2016) Conversion of Nonproliferating Astrocytes into Neurogenic Neural Stem Cells: Control by FGF2 and Interferon-?. Stem Cells


Masserdotti G, Gillotin S, Sutor B, Drechsel D, Irmler M, Jørgensen HF, Sass S, Theis FJ, Beckers J, Berninger B, Guillemot F, Götz M (2015) Transcriptional Mechanisms of Proneural Factors and REST in Regulating Neuronal Reprogramming of Astrocytes. Cell Stem Cell
Aravantinou-Fatorou K, Ortega F, Chroni-Tzartou D, Antoniou N, Poulopoulou C, Politis PK, Berninger B, Matsas R, Thomaidou D (2015) CEND1 and NEUROGENIN2 Reprogram Mouse Astrocytes and Embryonic Fibroblasts to Induced Neural Precursors and Differentiated Neurons. Stem Cell Reports