Benedikt  Berninger

Benedikt Berninger

Professor of Developmental Neurobiology, Group Leader

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Linking adult neural stem cell activation and tumourigenesis

New work from the Berninger lab

Benedikt Berninger awarded ERC Advanced Grant

Unleashing the potential of engineered neurogenesis for brain repair

The sweet smell of adult neurogenesis

Adult olfactory bulb neurogenesis improves odour distinction

All Publications:


Leschik J, Gentile A, Cicek C, Péron S, Tevosian M, Beer A, Radyushkin K, Bludau A, Ebner K, Neumann I, Singewald N, Berninger B, Lessmann V, Lutz B (2022) Brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in serotonergic neurons improves stress resilience and promotes adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Prog Neurobiol


Lattke M, Goldstone R, Ellis JK, Boeing S, Jurado-Arjona J, Marichal N, MacRae JI, Berninger B, Guillemot F (2021) Extensive transcriptional and chromatin changes underlie astrocyte maturation in vivo and in culture. Nat Commun
Sharif N, Calzolari F, Berninger B (2021) Direct In Vitro Reprogramming of Astrocytes into Induced Neurons. Methods Mol Biol
Stricker SH, Berninger B, Götz M (2021) Editorial overview: Fluidity of cell fates - from reprogramming to repair. Curr Opin Genet Dev
Calzolari F, Berninger B (2021) cAAVe phaenomena: Beware of appearances! Cell