David Edwards
Chair in Paediatrics and Neonatal Medicine
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Doria V, Beckmann CF, Arichi T, Merchant N, Groppo M, Turkheimer FE, Counsell SJ, Murgasova M, Aljabar P, Nunes RG, Larkman DJ, Rees G, Edwards AD (2010)
Emergence of resting state networks in the preterm human brain.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Azzopardi DV, Strohm B, Edwards AD, Dyet L, Halliday HL, Juszczak E, Kapellou O, Levene M, Marlow N, Porter E, Thoresen M, Whitelaw A, Brocklehurst P, Azzopardi D, Brocklehurst P, Edwards AD, Halliday H, Levene M, Thoresen M, Whitelaw A, Ayers S, Bowler U, Gallagher M, Juszczak E, Mulhall C, Strohm B, Azzopardi D, Brocklehurst P, Edwards AD, Juszczak E, McIntosh N, Azzopardi D, Baumer H, Brocklehurst P, Doré C, Elbourne D, Parnell R, Cooke R, Davies H, Johnson A, Richmond S, Yudkin P, Gates S, Juszczak E, Quigley M, Eddama O, Henderson J, Petrou S, Kapellou O, Dyet L, Porter E, Mero G, Vollmer B, Goldstein E, Hutchon B, Hagmann C, Johnson S, Ramenghi L, Rutherford M, Azzopardi D, Edwards AD, Kapellou O, Corcoran P, Szabó M, Róka A, Bodrogi E, Maalouf E, Harris C, Whitelaw A, Lamburne S, Robertson N, Kapetanakis A, Farrer K, Kay-Smith L, Halliday H, Sweet D, Weindling M, Burke AS, Thoresen M, Tooley J, Kemp J, Currie A, Hubbard M, Amess P, Thiringer K, Flisberg A, Levene M, Harrop A, Watkin S, Jayasinghe D, Adams E, Lothian C, Blennow M, Rahman S, Jani B, Vandertak K, Skinner S, Millar Y, Marlow N, Wardle S, Smith M, Berrington J, Marks K, Chatfield S, Rose S, Kumararatne B, Greig L, Clarke P, Fellman V, Abara R, Armstrong D, Murray D, Metsaranta M, Simpson J, Matthes J, MacDonald P, Cherian S, Jackson L, Munyard P, Quinn M, Mitchell S, Sinha S, Eason J, Hallman M (2009)
Moderate hypothermia to treat perinatal asphyxial encephalopathy.
N Engl J Med
Bassi L, Ricci D, Volzone A, Allsop JM, Srinivasan L, Pai A, Ribes C, Ramenghi LA, Mercuri E, Mosca F, Edwards AD, Cowan FM, Rutherford MA, Counsell SJ (2008)
Probabilistic diffusion tractography of the optic radiations and visual function in preterm infants at term equivalent age.
Counsell SJ, Edwards AD, Chew AT, Anjari M, Dyet LE, Srinivasan L, Boardman JP, Allsop JM, Hajnal JV, Rutherford MA, Cowan FM (2008)
Specific relations between neurodevelopmental abilities and white matter microstructure in children born preterm.