David Edwards
Chair in Paediatrics and Neonatal Medicine
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Tusor N, Benders MJ, Counsell SJ, Nongena P, Ederies MA, Falconer S, Chew A, Gonzalez-Cinca N, Hajnal JV, Gangadharan S, Chatzi V, Kersbergen KJ, Kennea N, Azzopardi DV, Edwards AD (2017)
Punctate White Matter Lesions Associated With Altered Brain Development And Adverse Motor Outcome In Preterm Infants.
Sci Rep
Toulmin H, Beckmann CF, O'Muircheartaigh J, Ball G, Nongena P, Makropoulos A, Ederies A, Counsell SJ, Kennea N, Arichi T, Tusor N, Rutherford MA, Azzopardi D, Gonzalez-Cinca N, Hajnal JV, Edwards AD (2015)
Specialization and integration of functional thalamocortical connectivity in the human infant.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Counsell SJ, Ball G, Edwards AD (2014)
New imaging approaches to evaluate newborn brain injury and their role in predicting developmental disorders.
Curr Opin Neurol
Ball G, Aljabar P, Zebari S, Tusor N, Arichi T, Merchant N, Robinson EC, Ogundipe E, Rueckert D, Edwards AD, Counsell SJ (2014)
Rich-club organization of the newborn human brain.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Azzopardi D, Strohm B, Marlow N, Brocklehurst P, Deierl A, Eddama O, Goodwin J, Halliday HL, Juszczak E, Kapellou O, Levene M, Linsell L, Omar O, Thoresen M, Tusor N, Whitelaw A, Edwards AD, Azzopardi D, Brocklehurst P, Edwards AD, Halliday H, Juszczak E, Levene M, Marlow N, Thoresen M, Whitelaw A, Bowler U, Linsell L, Omar O, Strohm B, Azzopardi D, Edwards AD, Juszczak E, Linsell L, Marlow N, McIntosh N, Azzopardi D, Brocklehurst P, Doré C, Elbourne D, Lynch V, McCabe L, Oakley J, Salt A, Linsell L, Omar O, Eddama O, Rivero-Arias O, Blennow M, Bowen J, Deierl A, Flisberg A, Gozar I, Kapellou O, Marks K, Murray D, Mutch C, Tusor N, Blagrove E, Csenki L, Goldstein E, Goodwin J, Hagberg B, Hayes L, Moretti Å, Petri Thomas J, Rathbone R, Williamson A (2014)
Effects of hypothermia for perinatal asphyxia on childhood outcomes.
N Engl J Med