David  Edwards

David Edwards

Chair in Paediatrics and Neonatal Medicine

All Publications:


Pecheva D, Yushkevich P, Batalle D, Hughes E, Aljabar P, Wurie J, Hajnal JV, Edwards AD, Alexander DC, Counsell SJ, Zhang H (2017) A tract-specific approach to assessing white matter in preterm infants. Neuroimage
Salvan P, Tournier JD, Batalle D, Falconer S, Chew A, Kennea N, Aljabar P, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Arichi T, Edwards AD, Counsell SJ (2017) Language ability in preterm children is associated with arcuate fasciculi microstructure at term. Hum Brain Mapp
Ball G, Aljabar P, Nongena P, Kennea N, Gonzalez-Cinca N, Falconer S, Chew ATM, Harper N, Wurie J, Rutherford MA, Counsell SJ, Edwards AD (2017) Multimodal image analysis of clinical influences on preterm brain development. Ann Neurol
Arichi T, Whitehead K, Barone G, Pressler R, Padormo F, Edwards AD, Fabrizi L (2017) Localization of spontaneous bursting neuronal activity in the preterm human brain with simultaneous EEG-fMRI. Elife
Edwards AD, Redshaw ME, Kennea N, Rivero-Arias O, Gonzales-Cinca N, Nongena P, Ederies M, Falconer S, Chew A, Omar O, Hardy P, Harvey ME, Eddama O, Hayward N, Wurie J, Azzopardi D, Rutherford MA, Counsell S (2017) Effect of MRI on preterm infants and their families: a randomised trial with nested diagnostic and economic evaluation. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed
Tusor N, Benders MJ, Counsell SJ, Nongena P, Ederies MA, Falconer S, Chew A, Gonzalez-Cinca N, Hajnal JV, Gangadharan S, Chatzi V, Kersbergen KJ, Kennea N, Azzopardi DV, Edwards AD (2017) Punctate White Matter Lesions Associated With Altered Brain Development And Adverse Motor Outcome In Preterm Infants. Sci Rep