Veronique van den Berghe
EMBO Postdoctoral Research Fellow, IoPPN Honorary Lecturer
Selected Publications:
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Deryckere A, Stappers E, Dries R, Peyre E, van den Berghe V, Conidi A, Zampeta FI, Francis A, Bresseleers M, Stryjewska A, Vanlaer R, Maas E, Smal IV, van IJcken WFJ, Grosveld FG, Nguyen L, Huylebroeck D, Seuntjens E (2020)
Multifaceted actions of Zeb2 in postnatal neurogenesis from the ventricular-subventricular zone to the olfactory bulb.
van den Berghe V, Stappers E, Vandesande B, Dimidschstein J, Kroes R, Francis A, Conidi A, Lesage F, Dries R, Cazzola S, Berx G, Kessaris N, Vanderhaeghen P, van Ijcken W, Grosveld FG, Goossens S, Haigh JJ, Fishell G, Goffinet A, Aerts S, Huylebroeck D, Seuntjens E (2013)
Directed migration of cortical interneurons depends on the cell-autonomous action of Sip1.