Setsuko Sahara obtained her PhD from Kobe University followed by a period of training at the Osaka University as a biochemist and cellular biologist. She then joined the lab of Dennis O?Leary? at the Salk Institute, as a postdoctoral fellow, where she initiated her study of mammalian corticogenesis. In the O?Leary lab, Setsuko found a key regulator of cortical progenitor differentiation. In 2012, she joined the Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, where she is a Lecturer. Her research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanism of cortical progenitor differentiation towards the development of regenerative strategies of the central nervous system. Setsuko?s research also focuses on neurodevelopmental disorders of the cortex such as macrocephaly and autism.
Sahara S, Kodama T, Stevens CF (2020)
A common rule governing differentiation kinetics of mouse cortical progenitors.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 117: 15221-15229