Jon Clarke

Jon Clarke

Emeritus Professor, Group Leader

All Publications:


Clarke JD, Jayasinghe SN (2008) Bio-electrosprayed multicellular zebrafish embryos are viable and develop normally. Biomed Mater
Kosodo Y, Toida K, Dubreuil V, Alexandre P, Schenk J, Kiyokage E, Attardo A, Mora-Bermúdez F, Arii T, Clarke JD, Huttner WB (2008) Cytokinesis of neuroepithelial cells can divide their basal process before anaphase. EMBO J
Clarke JD (2008) Using fluorescent dyes for fate mapping, lineage analysis, and axon tracing in the chick embryo. Methods Mol Biol


Clarke J (2007) Cell migration: catapulting neurons from the ventricular zone? Curr Biol
Tawk M, Araya C, Lyons DA, Reugels AM, Girdler GC, Bayley PR, Hyde DR, Tada M, Clarke JD (2007) A mirror-symmetric cell division that orchestrates neuroepithelial morphogenesis. Nature


Clarke J (2006) Cell migration: neurons go with the flow. Curr Biol
Mione M, Lele Z, Kwong CT, Concha ML, Clarke JD (2006) Expression of pcp4a in subpopulations of CNS neurons in zebrafish. J Comp Neurol


Take-uchi M, Clarke JD, Wilson SW (2003) Hedgehog signalling maintains the optic stalk-retinal interface through the regulation of Vax gene activity. Development