Jon Clarke
Emeritus Professor, Group Leader
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Clarke JD, Jayasinghe SN (2008)
Bio-electrosprayed multicellular zebrafish embryos are viable and develop normally.
Biomed Mater 3: 11001
Kosodo Y, Toida K, Dubreuil V, Alexandre P, Schenk J, Kiyokage E, Attardo A, Mora-Bermúdez F, Arii T, Clarke JD, Huttner WB (2008)
Cytokinesis of neuroepithelial cells can divide their basal process before anaphase.
EMBO J 27: 3151-63
Clarke JD (2008)
Using fluorescent dyes for fate mapping, lineage analysis, and axon tracing in the chick embryo.
Methods Mol Biol 461: 351-61
Clarke J (2007)
Cell migration: catapulting neurons from the ventricular zone?
Curr Biol 17: R176-8
Clarke J (2006)
Cell migration: neurons go with the flow.
Curr Biol 16: R337-9
Take-uchi M, Clarke JD, Wilson SW (2003)
Hedgehog signalling maintains the optic stalk-retinal interface through the regulation of Vax gene activity.
Development 130: 955-68