QueeLim Ch'ng

QueeLim Ch'ng

Reader, Group Leader, Education Leader
KCL Institutional Lead for London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme (LIDo)


QueeLim Ch'ng was born in Singapore in 1971. He graduated with Highest Honours from Princeton University in 1995. He obtained a PhD in 2001 under the mentorship Cynthia Kenyon at the University of California, San Francisco. He performed postdoctoral research in the laboratory of Joshua M. Kaplan at University of California, Berkeley, and at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School from 2002 to 2007.


QueeLim joined King’s College London in 2007. QueeLim has received several competitive awards at each career stage: an ERC Starting Grant (2009), a Research Councils UK fellowship (2007-2012), the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship (2002-2005), and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Pre-doctoral Fellowship (1995-1998).


QueeLim is presently the KCL Institutional Lead on the Student Research and Training Committee, and a Member of the Management Board for the London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme (LIDO), the largest BBSRC-funded programme in the UK and involves six London Universities. He also sits on the BBSRC EDI Advisory Group.


Thompson Reuters Researcher ID: C-5348-2009
KCL PURE: https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/queelim.html

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All publications:


Mishra S, Dabaja M, Akhlaq A, Pereira B, Marbach K, Rovcanin M, Chandra R, Caballero A, Fernandes de Abreu D, Ch'ng Q, Alcedo J (2023) Specific sensory neurons and insulin-like peptides modulate food type-dependent oogenesis and fertilization in Caenorhabditis elegans. Elife 12: e83224.


Patel DS, Diana G, Entchev EV, Zhan M, Lu H, Ch'ng Q (2020) A Multicellular Network Mechanism for Temperature-Robust Food Sensing. Cell Rep 33: 108521


Wu T, Duan F, Yang W, Liu H, Caballero A, Fernandes de Abreu DA, Dar AR, Alcedo J, Ch'ng Q, Butcher RA, Zhang Y (2019) Pheromones Modulate Learning by Regulating the Balanced Signals of Two Insulin-like Peptides. Neuron 104: 1095-1109.e5


Laurent P, Ch'ng Q, Jospin M, Chen C, Lorenzo R, de Bono M (2018) Genetic dissection of neuropeptide cell biology at high and low activity in a defined sensory neuron. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115: E6890-E6899


Patel DS, Diana G, Entchev EV, Zhan M, Lu H, Ch'ng Q (2017) Quantification of Information Encoded by Gene Expression Levels During Lifespan Modulation Under Broad-range Dietary Restriction in C. elegans. J Vis Exp 16: 126
Diana G, Patel DS, Entchev EV, Zhan M, Lu H, Ch'ng Q (2017) Genetic control of encoding strategy in a food-sensing neural circuit. Elife 6: e24040


Zhan M, Crane MM, Entchev EV, Caballero A, Fernandes de Abreu DA, Ch'ng Q, Lu H (2015) Automated Processing of Imaging Data through Multi-tiered Classification of Biological Structures Illustrated Using Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Comput Biol 11: e1004194