Juan Burrone

Juan Burrone

Professor of Developmental Neurophysiology, Group Leader

All Publications:


Burrone J, Neves G, Gomis A, Cooke A, Lagnado L (2002) Endogenous calcium buffers regulate fast exocytosis in the synaptic terminal of retinal bipolar cells. Neuron
Burrone J, O'Byrne M, Murthy VN (2002) Multiple forms of synaptic plasticity triggered by selective suppression of activity in individual neurons. Nature


Burrone J, Murthy VN (2001) Synaptic plasticity: rush hour traffic in the AMPA lanes. Curr Biol


Burrone J, Lagnado L (2000) Synaptic depression and the kinetics of exocytosis in retinal bipolar cells. J Neurosci


Gomis A, Burrone J, Lagnado L (1999) Two actions of calcium regulate the supply of releasable vesicles at the ribbon synapse of retinal bipolar cells. J Neurosci


Burrone J, Lagnado L (1997) Electrical resonance and Ca2+ influx in the synaptic terminal of depolarizing bipolar cells from the goldfish retina. J Physiol