Marcela Lipovsek

Marcela Lipovsek

Visiting Scientist

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Selected Publications:

Marcovich I, Moglie MJ, Carpaneto Freixas AE, Trigila AP, Franchini LF, Plazas PV, Lipovsek M, Elgoyhen AB (2020) Distinct Evolutionary Trajectories of Neuronal and Hair Cell Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors. Mol Biol Evol
Lipovsek M, Grubb MS (2019) Boosting adult neurogenesis to enhance sensory performance. EMBO J
Lipovsek M, Wingate RJ (2018) Conserved and divergent development of brainstem vestibular and auditory nuclei. eLife

Lipovsek M, Ledderose J, Butts T, Lafont T, Kiecker C, Wizenmann A, Graham A (2017) The emergence of mesencephalic trigeminal neurons. Neural Dev