Beatriz Rico

Beatriz Rico

Professor of Developmental Neurobiology, Group Leader


Beatriz Rico is a Professor of Developmental Neurobiology. She received her PhD in the University Aut?noma of Madrid and she did her postdoctoral research in University of California at San Francisco. In 2004 she got a Ramon y Cajal position at the Institute of Neuroscience in Alicante (IN), Spain (CSIC-UMH), and then in 2005 she become an Assistant Professor at the CSIC in the IN. In 2014, she was recruited with a Professorship position at King?s College London. Rico?s lab is interested in understanding how genes are involved in the development of neuronal circuits and the consequences on their disruption. In the last years, her lab has highlighted the relevance of cortical GABAergic circuitry in cognitive function, and their possible implication in the pathophysiology of developmental disorders, particularly in schizophrenia. Her work has been recognised by the European Molecular Biology Organisation with an EMBO YIP 2010 and she has been granted with an ERC-Consolidator grant and ERC Advanced grants. Beatriz is a Wellcome Investigator.



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Selected Publications:

Favuzzi E, Deogracias R, Marques-Smith A, Maeso P, Jezequel J, Exposito-Alonso D, Balia M, Kroon T, Hinojosa AJ, F Maraver E, Rico B (2019) Distinct molecular programs regulate synapse specificity in cortical inhibitory circuits. Science

Hinojosa AJ, Deogracias R, Rico B (2018) The Microtubule Regulator NEK7 Coordinates the Wiring of Cortical Parvalbumin Interneurons. Cell Rep
Favuzzi E, Rico B (2018) Molecular diversity underlying cortical excitatory and inhibitory synapse development. Curr Opin Neurobiol
Del Pino I, Rico B, Marín O (2018) Neural circuit dysfunction in mouse models of neurodevelopmental disorders. Curr Opin Neurobiol