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Credible Neuroscience


Matt Grubb, Reader in the Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, has been awarded the British Neuroscience Association’s Individual Researcher Credibility Prize in the 2022 round.

The Prize recognises outstanding contributions from individual researchers to make neuroscience research as credible as possible. This can be through several means such as through published work, engaging in credible practices or through teaching, mentoring and research culture development.

In the Grubb lab, Matt has entrenched an ethos to make everything they do openly available to anyone who is interested in accessing it. The lab deposits all submitted manuscripts as preprints in bioRxiv and publishes peer-reviewed papers in journals where Open Access is immediate. Matt and his lab also ensure that they make all the raw data that have contributed to any published paper freely available to all users in public repositories. In keeping with this ethos, where Matt's lab develop any novel resources as part of their work, these are made freely available too - for example, in the plasmid repository Addgene.

Their approach is exemplary: a perfect example of good practice, complying with criteria for reproducible science, promoting open practices, and acting as a role model for credibility in neuroscience. 

The focus of the Grubb lab is on activity-dependent development of the olfactory bulb, and the team use both ex vivo and in vivo approaches to uncover plasticity in neuronal structure and function. Ever since he started his lab, Matt has implemented a way of working with reproducibility and open science as an integrated tenet of all his research and mentoring. BNA Members can hear more about Matt and his work and ethos on April 27th at the BNA Members Meeting.