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2017 Elsevier Outstanding PhD Thesis Prize


Congratulations to CDN alumnus Dr Paride Antinucci for being awarded a 2017 Elsevier Outstanding PhD Thesis Prize.

Paride’s thesis focused on the function and assembly of Teneurin-3-positive circuits in the zebrafish retina. During his PhD, Paride elucidated the cellular and synaptic mechanisms underling the computation of orientation selectivity in retinal ganglion cells (Antinucci P et al Curr Biol 2016, Antinucci P et al Sci Rep 2016 and Antinucci P et al Cell Rep2013).

Dr Robert Hindges, Paride’s PhD Supervisor, offered his congratulations: “ I am very proud to see Paride receiving this award. He did exceptional work in my lab and the recognition of his achievements is well deserved."

After a very successful PhD, Paride joined the laboratories of Dr Isaac Bianco lab at University College London and Dr Valentina Emiliani lab at Paris Descartes University, as a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellow.

Winners of the Elsevier PhD prizes will receive a journal subscription, a certificate and a cheque to the sum of £100