The patterning of cerebellar connectivity
Cerebellar nuclei relay information from the cerebellum to other parts of the CNS via long-range excitatory and inhibitory axons. Nuclear neurons are born at the rhombic lip as one cohort in a temporal sequence of cell production. We are examining the role of signals from the roof plate in orchestrating cell fate allocation at the rhombic lip. Do these patterning mechanisms confer a vulnerability to environmental factors in development?
The team on this project comprises Margarita Pitsiani, Dr Leigh Wilson and Hong-Ting Kwok working in collaboration with Dr Alessio Delogu (Wohl Institute, KCL), Dr Cathy Fernandes (SGDP, IOPPN), Dr Albert Basson (Dental Institute) and Dr David Chambers (Wolson CARD). It has been supported by the Wellcome Trust in the past and is currently funded by King’s Health Partners.