Development of the cerebral cortex in health and disease
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Marín O, Gleeson JG (2011)
Function follows form: understanding brain function from a genetic perspective.
Curr Opin Genet Dev
Rico B, Marín O (2011)
Neuregulin signaling, cortical circuitry development and schizophrenia.
Curr Opin Genet Dev
Martín-Ibáñez R, Crespo E, Urbán N, Sergent-Tanguy S, Herranz C, Jaumot M, Valiente M, Long JE, Pineda JR, Andreu C, Rubenstein JL, Marín O, Georgopoulos K, Mengod G, Fariñas I, Bachs O, Alberch J, Canals JM (2010)
Ikaros-1 couples cell cycle arrest of late striatal precursors with neurogenesis of enkephalinergic neurons.
J Comp Neurol
Valiente M, Marín O (2010)
Neuronal migration mechanisms in development and disease.
Curr Opin Neurobiol