Development of functional neuronal networks
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Keuss MJ, Harley P, Ryadnov E, Jackson RE, Zanovello M, Wilkins OG, Barattucci S, Mehta PR, Oliveira MG, Parkes JE, Sinha A, Correa-Sánchez AF, Oliver PL, Fisher EMC, Schiavo G, Shah M, Burrone J, Fratta P (2024)
Loss of TDP-43 induces synaptic dysfunction that is rescued by UNC13A splice-switching ASOs.
Horton S, Mastrolia V, Jackson RE, Kemlo S, Pereira Machado PM, Carbajal MA, Hindges R, Fleck RA, Aguiar P, Neves G, Burrone J (2024)
Excitatory and inhibitory synapses show a tight subcellular correlation that weakens over development.
Cell Rep
Rigby M, Grillo FW, Compans B, Neves G, Gallinaro J, Nashashibi S, Horton S, Pereira Machado PM, Carbajal MA, Vizcay-Barrena G, Levet F, Sibarita JB, Kirkland A, Fleck RA, Clopath C, Burrone J (2023)
Multi-synaptic boutons are a feature of CA1 hippocampal connections in the stratum oriens.
Cell Rep
Compans B, Burrone J (2023)
Chandelier cells shine a light on the formation of GABAergic synapses.
Curr Opin Neurobiol